OEM/ODM Office Chairs Manufacturer.  MOQ 50. Flexible Customization.
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ADENG Showrooms
A ADENG Showroom is more than an office furniture display. It’s a gallery for finding office design inspiration. And discovering ideas for creating more comfortable and productive workspaces. Each distinctive showroom gives office furniture buyers and designers alike the chance to experience ADENG products in a setting reflective of the region.


Eastline Furniture Co.,Ltd was established in 2008, we design and make high quality office chairs, only HIGH quality office chairs.​We hope - with our professional operation, your business will be safe and the reputation of your company will be always great.
COPYRIGHT  2008-2019 Eastline Furniture Co.,Ltd All Rights Reserved
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Address: Kangshan Industrial Zone, Anji county, Huzhou city,Zhejiang province, China, 313300

Phone: 0086-572-5885883 / 5885885

Fax: 0086-572-5885880

E-mail: sales@officechairschina.com

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